Would you like to be able to share your faith in Christ every day as a lifestyle?

Don Sunshine Ministries has been privileged to touch tens of thousands of lives and see thousands come to faith in Jesus Christ through our teaching people how to share their faith in Christ every day...without fear, embarassment, or hesitation.

Jesus commanded His followers down through the ages to “Make disciples of all nations”.  So let me ask you a question, “How are you doing with that?”  If Jesus commanded us to make disciples and if you are not sharing your faith and beginning the discipleship process, do you really believe that one day you’ll hear Him say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant?”  As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be His full time Ambassadors representing Him to the lost people in our lives. Yet for some reason most professing followers of Christ never share their faith in Christ with anyone!

The "Make a Difference” or "M.A.D. Live Event" is a 4-hour event that is presented “Live” in churches. We usually do these on a Saturday or a Sunday.  Don has taught this over 700 times in 36 states and Canada, equipping over 41,000 people. God has blessed us to see over 1,700 give their lives to Christ at the Live Events. All praise, honor, and glory be to God!  We’d love to come to your church to help equip the believers to begin sharing their faith in obedience….without fear or embarassment.  Putting the teaching into practivce will transform your Christian life into the great adventure that God intended for each of us to experience!

things to see
things to read

May 2024 Monthly Report

Our Lord is returning soon!  Are you ready to meet Him?  Will you hear Jesus say to you, “Well done my good and faithful servant”?

We competed three M.A.D. Live Events in May. I received a phone call from an elderly lady in Franklin, NC. I had presented the M.A.D. Live Event in her church the last weekend in April.  She thanked me for coming to her church to teach her how to share her faith. She was so excited to tell me that she has shared the Gospel with 3 people so far, and felt led to provide my police Gospel cards to the county Sheriff’s department. She has gotten permission and asked me to send her 60 cards to give to all of the officers! I told her I would send her some of "Pretender" cards to give as well. She said she already purchased them and didn't need me to send her any. WOW! Praise the Lord!

I am in charge of presenting the Gospel at our church’s food pantry, which happens twice a month. Sometimes I do the presentations, sometimes I ask others to share.  This month I did it both times.  As people come at different times, the Gospel is typically presented to 5 or 6 different groups over a 2 ½ hour span.  Everyone hears the Gospel message before we load them down with food.  At the first food pantry I shared about Biblical prophecy and shared 50 prophecies fulfilled in Jesus.  The 2nd food pantry I shared how each of the original disciples were killed, with the exception of John.

In May, I was blessed to have been connected with 46 Divine appointments and shared the Gospel with each of them.  I gave them some literature to take with them to read.  I track my Divine appointments by writing them down in this little “Divine Appointment” book.

Concerning my health, my torn tendons in my left shoulder continue to heal.  Thank you for your prayers.  Cathy and I took a weekend to visit some of the the amazing waterfalls in TN state parks.  During the trip, my left elbow beagn to hurt.  It felt like it was out of place.  I had an appointment shceduled with my nephew for a treament and thought he could just put it back in place.  However, the day before, it swelled up, bruised, and was very painful.  It was so painful that I couldn’t get a french fry into my mouth using my left hand!  It turns out that I had partially torn the brachial and bicipital tendons…and I didn’t do anything to cause it! My nephew observed that all of my issues have been on my left side.  He asked if I had ever had a head injury to the left side of my head.  I told him that I was knocked out and partially paralyzed in police HQ back on December 1, 1978.  I was struck in the eye socket and knocked over in a fixed back oak chair.  He then said that the blow injured my celebellum and that it was the cause of the failures (knee, shoulder, and elbow) on my lfet side.  Wow!  Continue prayers are appreciated!

Is most of your Bible reading in the New Testament, because the Old Testament is confusing and difficult to understand?  Would you like to understand it better and enjoy reading it?  Ask your church leadership to consider bringing me in to teach the Walk thru the Bible “OTLive” Event!  It’s only 3-hours long including 2 breaks, and you’ll learn 40 major people, places, and events from the 17 Old Testament history books with hand motions.  It’s called, “kinetic learning” and it is loads of fun!  At the end of the 3-hours, you’ll be able to recite all 40 people, places, and events in chronological order with the hand motions in less than 2 minutes.  The Old Testament will come to life for you and become an essential part of your Scripture reading.  Please call me directly if you’re interested.


• June 1 - M.A.D. Live Event # 775 - Lake Wylie Christian Assembly, Lake Wylie, SC 

• June 2 - M.A.D. Live Event # 776 - Refuge of Worship, Clinton, SC

• June 8 - M.A.D. Live Event # 777 - Whitehall Bible Fellowship Church, Whitehall, PA

• June 9 - Our 51st Wedding Anniversary

• June 9 - M.A.D. Live Event # 778 - Zarephath Christian Church, Zarephath, 

• June 15 - M.A.D. Live Event # 779 - Clintondale Christian Church, Clintondale, NY

• June 16 - Looking for a church to minister in within driving distance

• June 29 - M.A.D. Live Event # 780 - Lawson Baptist Church, Lawson, MO

• June 30 - M.A.D. Live Event # 781 - Hillside Missionary Church, Clarinda, IA

• July - Nothing on the schedule - Please help!

• Aug 3 - M.A.D Live Event # 782 - Fellowship Church, Fairview, NC

• Aug 4 - Speak at morning worship service - Fellowship Church, Fairview, NC

• Aug 11-18 - Share the Gospel at Indian Bike Week, WI and MN

• Aug 25 - M.A.D. Live Event # 783 - Springville Assembly of God, Springville, NY

• Aug 26 - Looking for a church to minister in within driving distance


• Schedule - we needed bookings for July and beyond!

• My torn shoulder tendons are continuing to heal, although it’s a slow process.  Additional prayers for the elbow are appreciated!

• For us to find an organization to help us get our new TV quality video of our M.A.D. Live Event into more people’s hands so they can be equipped to share their faith in Christ.  The video is being worked on right now and Lord willing will be completed soon.

• Our regular monthly support has now risen to 66%.  Please pray and consider helping us reach 100%.

Love in Christ,   

Cathy and Don

June 2024 Monthly Report

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We completed 7 M.A.D. Live Events in June, bringing our total to 781 completed events.  Glory to God!  It will be so exciting to hear how the Lord used the almost 43,000 people that we’ve trained when we get to glory!    I was blessed to have 49 Divine appointments this month and I shared the Gospel and some Gospel literature with these people.  The Holy Spirit will finish the work!  Occasionally, God gives us a glimpse of what He is doing.  We received several very exciting testimonies this month. Praise the Lord with us!

“Hello, Don.

My husband, John, & I attended your MAD workshop in Bristol in August, 2023, I believe.

Since then we've been asking our servers how we can pray for them.  One couple saw how easy and effective that was and also has begun to do that. We had friends visiting recently from Wisconsin, and the wife also thought she'd like to do that in the future.  Here's her story that happened in Nashville on their way home from visiting us.

Just have to tell you that we had the sweetest encounter with a waitress at one of our stops to eat. We wanted to get a bite to eat before heading to the Opry, so we went to Bob Evans. They were online order only, so we decided to go to Cracker Barrel. We got seated and our waitress, Alexis, was such a bubbly person, sweet and attentive. I had heard her say to the customers behind us to have a blessed evening. Before we left, we asked her how we could pray for her. She looked a little surprised and then said that someone else had asked her the same question a little earlier in her shift. She was very open and told us that she had just found out that she has stage 2 liver disease. But she was trusting God to get her through this. She asked if she could sit and pray with us right then and there!! It was so sweet! She pulled up a chair, and we bowed our heads and prayed for her immediately! She had the biggest smile on her face afterwards and gave us each a big hug! It was a God thing that we even went to that restaurant, since we had several choices. God moves and directs! 

The year before the workshop I did a lot of emotional and spiritual healing including that I am now FAR less concerned about what people think about me.  That often had prevented me from in the past from sharing my faith. I am especially grateful for the workshop and the very practical ways that I can share my faith.  I have done so more over the last year than ever before. I have a little notebook where I keep track of my God-ordained encounters and occasionally pray over them and have a small arsenal of items in my purse ready to hand out, including Pretender cards.  \

Thanks again & God bless you.



• July 20 - Speak at the Chapel’s Men’s Group Meeting, Mosely Campus, Mosely, VA

• July - planning on doing some trail ministry during the month

• Aug 3 - M.A.D Live Event # 782 - Fellowship Church, Fairview, NC

• Aug 4 - Speak at morning worship service - Fellowship Church, Fairview, NC

• Aug 11-18 - Share the Gospel at Indian Bike Week, WI and MN

• Aug 21 - Sept 25 - M.A.D. Live Event # 783 - Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Jonesborough, TN - This event will be comprised of six 45-minute sessions on six consecutive Wednesday nights beginning at 7 PM

• Aug 25 - M.A.D. Live Event # 784 - Springville Assembly of God, Springville, NY

• Aug 26 - Looking for a church to minister in within driving distance

• September - Nothing on the schedule - This is VERY unusual.  The fall normally fills quickly.  Please help!

• Oct 12 - M.A.D. Live Event # 785 - Mt. Pocono Bible Fellowship Church, Mt. Pocono, PA

• Oct 19 - Walk thru the Bible “OTLive” Event (Tentative) - Crosswalk Church of Daytona Beach

• Oct 26 - M.A.D. Live Event # 786 - Laurel Hill UM Church, Vale, NC


• Schedule - as you can see, we have very few events on the calendar going forward.  Our goal is to be 2 churches on most weekends, excluding holidays.  We covet your prayers and assistance for a full schedule.

• Our regular monthly support has grown to about 67%.  The love offerings that we get at our events need to make up the 33% monthly shortfall.  Therefore, we need a full-schedule, and please pray and consider helping us to reach 100%.  Thank you!

Love in Christ,   

Cathy and Don