Would you like to be able to share your faith in Christ every day as a lifestyle?

Don Sunshine Ministries has been privileged to touch tens of thousands of lives and see thousands come to faith in Jesus Christ through our teaching people how to share their faith in Christ every day...without fear, embarassment, or hesitation.

Jesus commanded His followers down through the ages to “Make disciples of all nations”.  So let me ask you a question, “How are you doing with that?”  If Jesus commanded us to make disciples and if you are not sharing your faith and beginning the discipleship process, do you really believe that one day you’ll hear Him say, “Well done, My good and faithful servant?”  As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to be His full time Ambassadors representing Him to the lost people in our lives. Yet for some reason most professing followers of Christ never share their faith in Christ with anyone!

The "Make a Difference” or "M.A.D. Live Event" is a 4-hour event that is presented “Live” in churches. We usually do these on a Saturday or a Sunday.  Don has taught this over 700 times in 36 states and Canada, equipping over 41,000 people. God has blessed us to see over 1,700 give their lives to Christ at the Live Events. All praise, honor, and glory be to God!  We’d love to come to your church to help equip the believers to begin sharing their faith in obedience….without fear or embarassment.  Putting the teaching into practivce will transform your Christian life into the great adventure that God intended for each of us to experience!

things to see
things to read

M.A.D. Live Event # 786 is in the books!

Today I completed M.A.D. Live Event # 786 in Hickory, NC.  The event was hosted by the South Mountain SBC Association, and was held at Crossroads Baptist Church.  We had a small group attend, but it was a great day sharing.  Lord willing those from other churches will be able to get me into their churches in the future!

August 2024 Ministry Report

Hello Brothers and Sisters in Christ,


We completed 3 M.A.D. Live Events this month, and at the end of one of our events, a lady in attendance gave her life to Jesus Christ and was born again!  PTL!  I also had the privilege of bringing the Sunday morning message at a church in NC in August.


I had a great month of one-on-one sharing the Gospel message as God provided me with 50 Divine appointments.  I shared the Gospel with each of these people and prayed with many of them.  Lots of seeds planted for the Holy Spirit to use!


Are you following what’s happening in our country and in the Middle East?  Our world is spinning out of control and sharing the Gospel message with a lost world is more important than ever!  I really believe that Jesus is returning soon for His bride. Some things to consider:


“Hopefully you have discovered that sharing your faith is not an option for us as followers of Jesus Christ. The Lord has commanded us to ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel’. In other words, He has told us to TellSomeone. And each of us has a strategic part to play. Some sow the seed of the gospel, others water the seed others have sown, and even others reap where people have already sown and watered. ‘I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase’. 1 Corinthians 3:5-6. That’s right. God gives the increase. The Lord does not hold us responsible for how many have come to Him through our sharing. That’s his job, not ours. We are called to faithfulness. And that final day, Jesus will not say, ‘well done good and successful servant’, but rather ‘good and faithful servant,’ Matthew 25:23. We are to be faithful to share this message and leave the results in the hands of God.” - From Greg Laurie’s book entitled, “Tell Someone”


“Can you imagine how it’ll feel to look back at your life and realize there were adventures God intended for you to have, but you never experienced them?  There was a purpose God made for you, but you never lived it? There were opportunities God put in front of you, but you never took them? There were stories you were meant to be a part of, but you turned and ran in the opposite direction?” - Kyle Idleman – one at a time


“Proclamation is not an achievement leading us to brag.  It is a compulsion bringing its own reward. God’s love and His Spirit live in the believer, compelling every believer to proclaim the Gospel.  The compulsion to proclaim the Gospel is rooted in the awareness that God has assigned us that task as believers.” 

- Disciples Study Bible - 1Cor 9:16-18


We have been blessed to have had our M.A.D. Live Event professionally recorded. The video recording is made up six 45-minute sessions with intro and exit videos for each of the sessions.  Please pray with us as to how this can be utilized to equip more people, open new doors for live teaching, and how we can use it without cannibalizing our Live Events,    which are    

 increasingly difficult to book.


On a personal note, our oldest grandson named Ethan got married this month.  He is the first of our 7 grandchildren to be married.  We welcome his new wife, Sydney, to the family and we wish them God’s blessings!



• Aug 21 - Sept 25 - M.A.D. Live Event # 783 - Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Jonesborough, TN - This event will be comprised of six 45-minute sessions on six consecutive Wednesday nights beginning at 7 PM

 Sept 21 - M.A.D. Live Event # 786 - Crossroads Baptist Church, Hickory, NC - in partnership with the South Mountain Baptist Association


SHORT NOTICE - We’d love to fill more dates in September!  Can you help?  Has it been a while since I was at your church?  Could it be time for a refresher and equipping the new people at your church?


 Oct 12 - M.A.D. Live Event # 787 - Mt. Pocono Bible Fellowship Church, Mt. Pocono, PA

• Oct 13 - M.A.D. Live Event # 788 - Egypt Community Church, Whitehall, PA

• Oct 26 - M.A.D. Live Event # 789 - Laurel Hill UM Church, Vale, NC

• Oct 27 - M.A.D. Live Event # 790 - Mt. Moriah Community Church, Casar, NC

 Nov 2 - Walk thru the Bible “OTLive” Event - Crosswalk Church of Daytona Beach, Daytona Beach, FL

• Nov 3 - M.A.D. Live Event # 791- Holiday Mission Church, Leesburg, FL

• Nov 9 - M.A.D. Live Event # 792 - The Church at Life Park, Mt. Pleasant, SC

• Nov 10 - M.A.D. Live Event # 793 - The Church at Life Park, Mt. Pleasant, SC


With the light September schedule, I will continue to make calls to secure bookings, but I also plan on doing some off-road and motorcycle ministry during this slow time.



      Schedule - for God to open new doors of ministry in churches.  This is a constant need every month

      For Good health so we can continue to travel and equip the body of Christ

      For God’s wisdom and guidance as to where and how to use our new videos of our M.A.D. Live Event

      With the slow schedule, please pray that God will continue to supply our financial needs that He normally provides through the love offerings.  With no live events….no love offerings.  We pray the finds will come in through other means.

      For God to use the many Divine appointments that He provides to save the people that I have shared with 


Love in Christ,   Cathy and Don